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"The US Trade and Development Agency was pleased with the outstanding work you and your staff put into developing the recent Orientation Visit for African power utility officials funded by TDA Trust Funds at the African Development Bank. On the few occasions in which we have had to work with Marison International over the past few years, TDA has consistently been delighted with the results of the programs you have created and managed for our African delegates. We believe that US taxpayers have been well served by TDA's investment in these projects because your firm has made sure that the projects led to exports for US companies and jobs for US workers"
JOHN RICHER Regional Director - Africa & Middle East
The construction of a new thermal power plant involves a substantive amount of engineering calculations and drawings, traditionally done by large engineering firms. Utilities are faced with the issue of reviewing the work of those firms by hiring owner’s engineers. Our Thermal Power Plant Engineering and design software, gives the Utility’s staff the tool to review the outside engineer’s work, to discuss plant optimal design and performance with equipment suppliers, independent power producers and others.
Fast Track
Our packaged power module are the ultimate in fast track delivery, set up and commissioning, when your emergency power needs are very urgent and need a reliable and efficient solution. Our Caterpillar Power Modules come in units of 2 MW which be configured in dozens of MW which can be paralleled to to grid or work as stand alone. Delivery can be made by maritime or air shipping
Over time, power plant maintenance and performance may deteriorate due to a myriad of factors. It is possible to rely on outside expertise to repairs some of those issues. Our program is intended to equip your staff to perform some of those tasks themselves to keep your plant operating in an optimal and cost effective fashion